
Monday, September 30, 2013

Devina Dediva Racist Comments Against Miss World Philippines

According to Devina Dediva, Filipina maids are smelly from cleaning toilets and are uneducated... What a joke those people cleaning our toilets won Miss World

I never heard of anyone so pissed with a beauty pageant winner that she wants to take on the whole country! Okay it's either this is really a Troll FB account aim at ruining someone reputation or she's just that STUPID! Visit Devina Dediva Facebook Page and comment! And here's Megan Young from the Philippines who won the 2013 Miss World crown in Bali, Indonesia. How could she be so upset at Megan? She's a cutie!


  1. guess this is her real account

    1. Thats where she is hiding now. the account name is in Arabic/ Hindu? maybe to misled those who are hunting her. found it by searching her friends first as seen on the screenshot above.She changed her profile name and pix, but not her attitude :-)

  2. Mga Dudes, Rak na yan! The Heck,

  3. and the winner for Ms. Racist 2013, Devina Dediva!
    me pelikula to pagkatapos, SADAKO, The Racist!

  4. meat eaters are smelly. good thing filipinos eat rice

    1. Filipinos smell too. Their sweat smells like acid, may be because of the sinigan.

  5. Oh and before the claimants of "She's from the US bro! It's her American blood that won her the award!!" arrive, I'm gonna put the title of a reality show here that immediately disproves that claim:

    Teen Mom

    Chew on that. Oh and DeDiva's not even Miss World material. Who cares what her "opinions" are. People like that find their own trouble soon enough. Like that obvious weight problem /smirk

  6. I think she's from SINGAPORE but staying in UK just checked her account few hours ago but no longer to be found,

  7. Most likely coming from one who lacks a life, bored and hateful. A sharp tongue I should say. Now that you showed your true colors and the type of creature that you are Devina de Diva, will people speak highly of you now?

  8. Don't mind trolls like her because the more you show you're angry, the more she would be satisfied.

  9. Devina DeDiva has a psychological problem.

  10. nasan na yang p****ng ina na yan gawin shawarma

  11. Indian siya. Hindi ko akalaing sa kanya pa manggagaling ang gantiong comment. Asian siya hindi siya dapat ganyan magsalita sa kapwa niya Asian.

  12. Maids? Look at urself girl.. U look like a maid than Ms. Megan Young... Met some Indians who cannot speak english well. Told me there are lots of places in India that are isolated and very poor and cannot speak a simple english. Now tell me why we excel more than Indians? We speak better english, We can adapt to the environment so easy, we are hardworking and we are more educated. That's the truth whether u like it or not. Rot in hell girl..

    1. You excel more than Indians? in what field??? India is one of the strongest economies in the region. Philippines on the other side excels in absolutely anything. Don't tell me you excel because someone representing the Philippines won a beauty contest. Most Filipinos in the Philippines can't keep a decent conversation in English plus you do have an accent too. Don't be pathetic!

  13. Let's not discriminate Indians in general because of Devina Dedevil's potty mouth. We do not tolerate ignorance, and we should prove to do so. Meanwhile, let her racist comment ruin her chances of getting employed. She showed the world what kind of person she is, and she'll get what she bargained for. ;p

    1. She is entitled to her opinion. Go Devina, fight for for freedom of expression!

  14. Are you guys familiar with something called "Freedom of Expression"? She can say whatever she wants, what's your problem???? And I do agree with the idea that Megan Young won because she is mestiza and has a different looks from the average filipino that you see everyday on the streets, if it were not for her American father she wouldn't look the way she does. But it seems Filipinos only claim you as on of their own if you are famous. If you are an average fil-am (mestizo) that looks foreign to them they will treat you as a foreigner and will never accept you as one of their own. Now accuse me of being racist too.

    1. hahaha that's absolutely correct!

  15. look at yourself gurl!..Filipinos are very well known in KALINISAN and KATALINUHAN,,kung di mo naiintindihan i-google mo..well sorry PILIPINO ako hah!
