
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ina Raymundo Maitim Kili-Kili: Dark Underarms Fuel Instagram War

Nothing like a Holy Week shocker, Ina Raymundo is being plagued by bashers on Instagram for a fitting room shot of her in a swimsuit where her left armpit is exposed.

In fairness, kaiingit ang thigh gap ni Mommy Ina Raymundo

Maitim ba ang kili-kili ni Ina Raymundo? Not really. This remains to be seen up close. It could just be a case of bad lighting. Mga pinoy nga naman, mapanglait  :(

Some people on social media defended the actress from this kind of public body shaming.

Taken with a mobile camera, one can say that the actress supposed dark under arms are not really that dark with libag or discolored by hormones. Ina Raymundo has normal sweat pits people. I'm sure they smell great!

So what has Ina Raymundo have to say about her bashers?

"Sige nga patingin ng mga kili-kili niyo. Hiyang-hiya naman ako."

Great comeback, Ina! That's putting 'em in their place!

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