
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Paninsingin Elementary School Students Return Missing iPhone

Ericson Fernandez lost his phone in Batangas and some kind-hearted and honest kids from Paninsingin Elementary School returned the iPhone they found. Young students like these deserve their day-out at Jollibee! Mga dapat tularan! :)

From the Facebook page of Ericson Fernandez

This happened yesterday when I accidentally lost my iPhone. I was on my way with a friend to SM Lipa when I realized that my phone is not in my pocket, at first I did not panic nor mind looking for my phone because I thought that I have left it at my dorm but when I tried calling my number a stranger answered and said that she found my phone so then I rushed back to my dorm and asked if I can have my phone back. She said that she's at the Paninsingin Elementary School so I went there. When I was waiting outside the school a young boy asked me "kuya kayo po yung nawawalan ng cellphone?" so I said yes and he accompanied me inside the school. 
We went to their classroom and as I entered there room I greeted politely then the teacher asked me if I am the legit owner of the phone, she asked me to enter the password, so I did. Then she returned my phone after I have proven that I am really the owner. I was thanking her for giving me back my iPhone but the teacher said that it is not she who found the phone but her students. I was astounded because I did not expect that, I was happy that time and amazed to the students because they brought the phone to their teacher right away and did not keep the phone instead.
That is not all, I heard another student saying "Ma'am diba masama magnakaw" and the teacher answered"Tama, pag hindi sa'yo ibalik dapat sa may ari" And also the teacher told me that her students were praying for me that hopefully I will call so that I can have my phone back.
I am just standing there and listening to them, I was really astonished and touched because they made me realize that their still good in this world. Because I was really happy for what they did, I said "ililibre ko na lang kayo" then the teacher talked to her class and said:
 "O! Ayan class pag may ginawa kayong maganda may babalik rin sa inyo na maganda". 
I am so happy to repay them for their good deed so then I excused them to class and we went to Jollibee and ate. I am very happy and I feel so blessed because if it was not for them maybe I will never have my phone back. I am very thankful to them not only because they returned my phone but also I learned a lot from them. I am so happy for them because at their very young age they know what is right and what is wrong. I am really inspired by them and also I want others to be inspired because they reminded me that whenever you do good things it will really pay off and as for me seeing them smile while they eat they're chicken joy it bring me joy to my heart. Thanks to them I have my phone back

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