Deovir Art Supplies is the oldest art store in the Philippines. They have the most diverse arts and crafts supply line ranging from painting supplies to crafts and scuplting supplies. This is the store where you can find rare craft tools such as Liquid Masking Film, acrylic emulsions and liquid_sculpey. Located at the University belt, the store is accesible to fine arts students and craft entusiasts.
Visit Deovir's website http://www.deovir.com
The Deovir Art Supplies facebook page is also amazing because they personally reply to your queries and update you with their supply list and prices. You may also follow Deovir on twitter
The Beadsnob also has a thorough feature on Deovir. Click here http://beadsnob.blogspot.com/2010/03/arts-crafts-supply-stores-in-manila.html

The TOPs or The Oil Paint Store is an online stop where you can have your paint and art supplies delivered at your doorstep. http://www.theoilpaintstore.com/
What art supplies do they offer?
• Watercolor Pencils
• Charcoal Pencil
• Palette Knife
• Odorless Turpenoid
• Painting Butter
• Gesso Primer
• Acrylic Gesso
• Grumbacher Gesso
• Mixable Oil Medium
• Stretched Canvas
• Paint Brushes
• Artist Oils
You may also visit their main store at 2119 Manuel Hizon St. in Santa Cruz, Manila, Philippines (a block away from SM San Lazaro)
Click to enlarge map

Telephone: 02-7885932
Open from Monday to Saturday
9 am - 12 noon
1 pm - 6 pm
Close on Sundays & Holidays